What the Chicken Knows


What the Chicken Knows book cover

What the Chicken Knows: A New Appreciation of the World’s Most Familiar Bird
by Sy Montgomer
Atria Books (November 05, 2024) 9781668047361



For more than two decades, Sy Montgomery has kept a flock of chickens in the backyard. In this delightful book,. Sy takes us inside the flock and reveals all the things that make chickens such remarkable creatures: only hours after leaving the egg, they can walk, run and peck; they can recognize more than 100 other chickens; they remember the past and anticipate the future; and they communicate specific information with at least 24 different calls.

With a winning combination of personal narrative and science, and including 16 pages of full color photos by Tia Strombeck, What the Chicken Knows will change the way you think about this most familiar and underestimated of birds.