
audio file

Sy tells Wayne King what chickens know on his podcast, NH Legends and Lore. Listen here.
More talk of chickens: WICN Listen here. NHPR Listen here.   
                         Living on Earth Listen here.  Science Friday Listen here.  
                         KTRS 550am Listen here.  
                         KMUW Witchita NPR Listen here.       
                         Sustainability Now! on Listen here.       
                         Where We Live on Connecticut Public Radio Listen here. 
                         Conversations on Kansas Public Radio Listen here. 
                         Here and Now on WBUR Listen here.  
                         Blue Dot on North State Public Radio Listen here.
                         Animal Writes. Podcast. Listen here. 
                         NPR’s Book of the Day. Listen here.
                         The Deal with Animals, podcast, Marika S. Bell host. Listen here.
                         Constant Wonder, BYU. Listen here. 
                         Beyond Human Conversation: The Pulse on WHYY. Listen here.
                         The Low Down, Ira Wood host. WOMR. Listen here.

video fileWhat the Chicken knows on TV: KATU-TV AM Northwest. Watch here.

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Something Wild: Sy & the snapping turtle Fire Chief. Listen here.

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Something Wild: Sy & the orphaned hummingbirds. Listen here.

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Something Wild: Sy & The Baby Blanding’s Turtles. Listen here.

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Sy joins hosts Jim Braude and Margery Eagan on WGBH radio to demystify the surprising social life of octopuses. Listen here.

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Sy took the listeners of the Techstination podcast on a deep dive to explore The Secrets of the Octopus. Listen here.

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Octonation – The Largest Octopus Fan Club founder Warren Carlyle and Sy talk about Sy’s new book, Secrets of The Octopus – which has octo-profiles by Warren. They also discuss its companion, three-part National Geographic TV film. Listen to the fabulous Zoo Logic podcast.

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Sy and Warren Carlyle, the founder of OctoNation, the world’s largest octopus fan club, recruited more Octo fans on Chicago’s WGN-TV’s Morning News show. Watch here.

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Get Out Alive — always a worthy goal, and a great name for the podcast on which Sy shared her turtle (and shark and tiger and octopus) adventures. Listen to the episode here.

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Sy and Matt talk to Francesca Rheannon host of the Writer’s Voice podcast, and they win another convert to the Hardshell ones. Right after the interview, Francesca and her granddaughter signed up as volunteers at their local Turtle Rescue. Francesca told Sy: “You have converted me into a turtle enthusiast!” Listen to the Writer’s Voice here.

audio fileTurtle talk on Wisconsin Public Radio. Listen here.

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Sy joined her longtime friend Steve Curwood, host of Living on Earth, to talk about what we can learn from turtles. Listen here.

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The teens who produce the podcast This Teenage Life, interview Sy (one of their heroes) and Matt, to learn how “animals can keep them grounded and inspired … in the fast-paced, tech-driven world we live in.” Listen here.

audio fileWhat turtles can teach us about time. Sy talks with host Caroline Feraday at KCLU in Thousand Oaks, California. Listen here.

audio fileOn the Kindred podcast Sy talks about turtles and octopuses. “For us,” say hosts Kate and Jenn, “Sy Montgomery embodies Kindred and is an inspiration and lamplighter in a time when this planet needs as many enlightened leaders as possible.” Listen here.

audio fileTalking Turtles with the Barnes & Noble podcast, Poured Over. Listen here.

audio fileSy and Matt join Dan Skinner, host of Conversations, on Kansas Public Radio to discuss Of Time and Turtles. Listen here.

audio fileSy shares 5 key insights from her new book, Of Time and Turtles, with The Next Big Idea Club. Listen here, or read.

audio file Sy and Matt talk turtles with Tess Terrible host of Where We Live on Connecticut Public Radio. Listen here.

audio file More hardshell talk with Robin Young, host of Here & Now on WBUR. Listen here

audio file Sy talks with Krys Boyd, host of KERA’s Think about the patience of turtles and the amazing work of the Turtle Rescue League. Listen here.

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Rick Dumont, host of the Dumonted podcast, welcomes Sy to talk about animals. Listen here.

audio fileListen to Sy and Matt on WAMC’s Roundtable show. “Hopeful and optimistic, Of Time and Turtles is an antidote to the instability of our frenzied world. Elegantly blending science, memoir, and philosophy, and drawing on cultures from across the globe, this compassionate portrait of injured turtles and their determined rescuers invites us all to slow down and slip into turtle time.”

video fileWatch as Sy tells NASA’s Goddard Storylab about How to be a Good Creature.

audio fileSy talks hawks and turtles with Alan Alda on his Clear + Vivid Podcast. Sy’s “almost uncanny ability to connect with creatures from rhinos to octopuses led her to a love affair with one of the planet’s swiftest and fiercest predators. Meanwhile Sy Montgomery has been in a nurturing relationship with a collection of creatures who are the hawks’ polar opposites – turtles.” Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts. 

audio fileSy talks turtles with Donna Sherman on the Sparks in Action Podcast: Uplifting Each Other One Action at a Time.

video fileMeet the Fire Chief.  A 42-pound, wild snapping turtle, Fire Chief was hit by a truck in 2018, his shell cracked and bloodied, his legs and tail paralyzed. But the 60- to 80-year-old turtle had a lot of life in him. At Turtle Rescue League, Sy and Matt were tasked with his physical therapy—which included exercising with his bespoke wheelchair. Read all about him in Of Time and Turtles. And watch the Chief here in this video.

video fileWhat time is it? It’s turtle time. Sy and artist Matt Patterson’s new turtle book is here. Watch a short video with lots of cool turtles walking around.

audio fileYou can now listen to Sy reading one of her earliest books, Search for The Golden Moon Bear, which was published in 2002.Listen to a sample.

video fileSy addresses the Nation. What better way to start off Octopus month than to address the ‘Nation—OctoNation, that is. Sy Loved talking with founder Warren Carlyle and the good folks who adore cephs of all kinds, but especially our fav! Happy Octopus month, friends. OctoNation® – The Largest Octopus Fan Club!

audio fileSy enjoyed discussing The Hawk’s Way on 90.5 WICN public radio. Listen here.

audio fileSy joined Diane Rehm for her Book Club podcast. This month’s book was Delia Owen’s Where the Crawdad’s Sing. Diane was also joined by Maurice Carlos Ruffin, author of The Ones Who Don’t Say They Love You and Jean Zimmerman, author of The Orphanmaster and Savage Girl. Listen here.

audio fileHere & Now. (WBUR & NPR). Sy tells host Robin Young that “working with hawks requires the purest form of love.” Listen here.

audio fileEight Arms, Eight Decisions. Octopuses have a complex neural network running throughout their body. They can make different decisions for each arm without having to send messages back up to the central brain. How can this be? Sy discusses octopus consciousness on the BBC radio show, NatureBang in the episode, Octopuses and the Mind-Body Problem. Philosopher Julian Baggini, author of How the World Thinks, joins the discussion. Listen here.

audio fileThe Ezra Klein Show. How Octopuses Upend What We Know about Ourselves. Listen on Apple, Spotify or Google or wherever you get your podcasts. A full transcript of their conversation is available on The New York Times website.

video fileSy talks about The Hummingbird’s Gift, as Thurber assists. Watch here.

video fileWatch Sy and Tia talk about the new book as they show cool pictures of condors here.

audio file Sy talks about How to Be a Good Creature with Marcus Smith, host of Constant Wonder on BYU radio. Listen here.

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For the hate of dogs. We treat pet dogs with such sentimentality while their wild, endangered relatives are feared and persecuted. Why? Read Sy’s article on wild dholes in Aeon.

audio file Sy talks with Marcus Smith on his show, Constant Wonder, BYU radio. Listen

audio file In on the Conversation podcast. Sy talks with host Pam Singh. Listen here or here.

audio file Sy talks with Francesca Rheannon on The Writers Voice. Listen here.

audio fileSy talks with Steve Curwood, host of NPR’s Living on Earth, about her book, How to be a Good Creature. Listen here

audio file Sy talks about How to Be a Good Creature with Lowell on his podcast, Learning with Lowell. Listen here.

video file Sy is interviewed about How to be a Good Creature on New Day Northwest, K5 News’ morning show in Seattle. Watch here.

audio file “Bearing Arms: The Amazing World of the Octopus.” Sy enjoyed talking about octopuses on the NPR show 1A. She was on with Danna Staaf, author of Squid Empire, and Kelley Voss, a doctoral student at the University of California at Santa Cruz’s Mehta Lab in the department of ecology and evolutionary biology. (1A is produced by WAMU 88.5 and is distributed by NPR.) Listen here.

audio file Sy talks with Paul Dolman host of the podcast What Matters Most.

video file Watch Liz and Sy discuss Tamed & Untamed on WMUR-TV’s Chronicle

audio file Sy and Elizabeth Marshall Thomas talk about “anthrophobia” and our shared lives with animals on NHPR’s Word of Mouth.

audio file Sy and Elizabeth Marshall Thomas talk with Steve Curwood, the host of Living on Earth about their new book, Tamed & Untamed. Listen here.“”

audio file Do octopuses have some shy arms and some bold arms? Scroll down a bit for the interview with BYU radio.


audio fileSy enjoyed being interviewed for podcast Mrs. Greensworld. Listen here.

audio fileSy was recently interviewed by the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) Dive Team Report. Listen to the 14-minute interview here, or on iTunes, YouTube and Google Play.

audio file“Don’t Panic: More Sharks Are Lurking Near Massachusetts’ Busiest Beaches.” Sy speaks up for sharks on WGBH’s Boston Public Radio and WBUR’s Radio Boston.

video file Sy talks octopuses with her editors at Simon and Schuster

audio file Listen to Sy talking about octopuses on NHPR’s Word of Mouth.

page or pdfTwo legs good, eight legs best: five reasons to love octopuses. As if you needed any reasons for Octo Love. Read Sy’s article in The Guardian.

audio file PRI’s The World
Our world is really the remnants of a previous one, says one Hawaiian story, and the only survivor of that previous world is the octopus. How did it survive? It slipped between a crack in the two worlds. Listen to Sy talk about The Soul of an Ocotpus on PRI’s The World.

audio file Boston Public Radio
Listen to Sy discuss her new book, The Soul of the Octopus, on WGBH’s talk show.

page or pdfRead A Retrospective on Past Winners of The Children’s Book Guild Nonfiction Award Featuring Sy Montgomery

page or pdfRead Sy’s interview on her new book on Temple Grandin with School Library Journal

video fileWatch Sy Montgomery discuss the wonderful similarities and differences between birds and humans in her book BIRDOLOGY.

video file Christopher Hogwood on NH Chronicle

audio fileListen to Sy and Callie Crossley talk octopuses on WGBH

audio fileListen to Sy Montgomery talk about how she came to write Kakapo Rescue: Saving the World’s Strangest Parrot

audio fileListen to the Michael Toms of New Dimensions Media interview: The Wisdom, Insight, And Wit Of Birds with Sy Montgomery

video fileSoaring with Sy Montgomery in ‘Birdology’ Vicki Croke, host of the New England Cable Network show, The Secret Life of Animals caught up with Sy at Harvard’s Museum of Natural History.

video fileWatch Reading Rockets’ interview with Sy Montgomery.

audio fileLiving on Earth: Humans and Birds: A New Pairing: Host Jeff Young talks with naturalist Sy Montgomery about her new book that attempts to change the way that we think about birds.

audio fileThe Diane Rehm Show Interview — Author Sy Montgomery joins Susan Page to talk about her adventures with hummingbirds, hawks and other feathered creatures. Why birds are far stranger, more wondrous — and more like us than we imagine.”

audio fileLiving on Earth Interview — Author Sy Montgomery joins Living on Earth’s Steve Curwood to talk about her latest adventures in Mongolia from her new children’s book called “Saving the Ghost of the Mountain: An Expedition Among Snow Leopards in Mongolia.”

page fileIt Begins in Wonder: Sy Montgomery’s World — Truthout. org’s Leslie Thatcher reviews Chelsea Green’s reissues of Sy Montgomery’s four science and adventure books: “Walking with the Great Apes,” “The Spell of the Tiger,” “Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest,” and “Search For the Golden Moon Bear,” 21 October, 2009

page fileDiscovering the World With Sy Montgomery —’s Leslie Thatcher interviews Sy Montgomery, 26 October, 2009

audio fileJustine Willis Toms of New Dimensions Media interviews Sy Montgomery on her program: Of Animal Grace and a Spa with a Pig

video filePaula Gordon of the Paula Gordon Show interviews Sy Montgomery

video fileSy Montgomery on New Hampshire Chronicle: Part 1

video fileSy Montgomery on New Hampshire Chronicle: Part 2

audio fileLiving on Earth: Urban Crow Invasion — Jan 20, 2006, Each winter Auburn, New York is invaded by hundreds of thousands of crows. No one knows exactly why the birds come to this small city upstate, but the scene they create — and the mess — has residents divided over whether to embrace the crows or drive them out. Sy Montgomery reports on efforts currently underway by pro-crow and anti-crow forces.

audio fileLiving on Earth: The Good Good Pig — June 6, 2006, Sy Montgomery’s famous pig, Christopher Hogwood, has passed on. But he left his owner with enough fond memories to write a book. And that’s just what she did. Sy Montgomery joins us to talk about her most recent book, The Good Good Pig. (10:30)

audio fileLiving on Earth: Search for the Golden Moon Bear — In Montgomery’s book, Search for the Golden Moon Bear, she travels to the home of the moon bear in Southeast Asia, to track down what she hopes might be a new species of bear.