If you happen to tune into New Hampshire Public Television you may catch Sy talking about Becoming a Good Creature. This brief film — 1 minute, 30 seconds — is running between programs. Watch it here.
Hometown Vulture. Condor Comeback is in the Santa Barbara News-Press, the hometown paper for the project which is restoring condors to the wild. Dr. Estelle Sandhaus, the Santa Barbara Zoo’s director of conservation and science, is in charge of the condor project. She stars in Condor Comeback.
Seacoast Bark. What dogs “in the know” are reading right now! (This issue featuring you-know-who and his person.)
Lone Star Octo. Sy was interviewed by Jim McKeown for his show Likely Stories on KWBU, “Heart of Texas Public Radio.” Jim gives The Soul of an Octopus “8 tentacles” (out of 8, we assume). Listen here.
A big thank you to the good folks at The Arts Fuse, a fabulous online guide to the arts in New England, for featuring How to be a Good Creature in its March edition. Read the other excellent recommendations here.