The Unleashed Octopus. Sy loved talking about octos with Creta Pullen and Amanda Eichstaedt, hosts of “Off Leash” on KWMR radio in West Marin, California. Listen here. Sy’s interview starts 1:01:25.

The Chinese edition of How to be a Good Creature is out.
Talkin’ Critters. Sy enjoyed talking to Laura Knoy on NHPR. Listen here or read the transcript.
How to be a Good Creature gets the IMAX treatment. Sy spoke about her book at the New England Aquarium’s IMAX theater. Watch her talk here.
Inky’s Amazing Escape has been nominated for a Ladybug Picture Book Award, at the Center for the Book at the New Hampshire State Library.
The further – further — adventures of Heidi, the best friend of turtles everywhere. Heidi, age 10, has raised another $800 for sea turtle rescue and rehab. (See the entry below in August and September 2018 when she raised $1500.) Heidi loves sea turtles. She’s upset that we don’t treat turtles better. When she talks we all listen. Heidi and her oldest sister Lilly (and Mom, Dad and Sy) went to the New England Aquarium to present a check to the aquarium’s veterinarian Dr. Charlie Innis. Heidi & Co. were received like royalty and allowed behind-the-scenes visits with an octopus, snakes and other good creatures.