CAUTION: Snake May Be … Above Face Level

Sign warning that snakes may be at, or above, face level.The Book of Turtles is a Sibert Honor Book.  Sy and Matt (and his sainted wife Erin) flew out to the American Library Association convention in San Diego to receive the award, and even better, to be treated to a behind the scenes tour of the “herp house” at the San Diego Zoo. Those signs about “venomous snakes” have nothing to do with the librarians – we promise.

Sign: Venomous snakes behind the door










Guess who is talking turtles, and hummingbirds on New Hampshire Public Radio’s show,Something Wild logo Something Wild? Yup, The Turtle Wrangler and Friend to All Good Creatures: Sy. Three episodes: Baby Blanding’s Turtle Hatchlings, Baby Hummingbirds, and the final act, a visit with Fire Chief and the artist Matt Patterson. If a turtle could hold a paint brush, he’d be Matt. Here’s the first episode.

And here’s the second episode.

And the third, about the snapping turtle Fire Chief.



Book cover of the German edition of Secrets of the Octopus


The German edition of Secrets of the Octopus is out.   










Sy and Howrad on the porch with podcast host Tricia Rose Burt
Talking on the porch with Tricia Rose Burt for her podcast, No Time to be Timid.

We did something we never do – we appeared together to talk about what it’s like to have No Time to be Timid with Sy & Howardtwo writers in the house. We had the great pleasure of being interviewed by our neighbor, Tricia Rose Burt, on her wonderful podcast, No Time to be Timid. I’ve been a listener since she started. Tricia is a gracious host and a good listener. You get caught up in her enthusiasm for her guests and all those Southern “y’alls.”  Listen at Apple Podcasts, or  Spotify, or

% book covers of the NEIBA Nonfiction finalistsMore Honor and Glory to Turtles. On Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell, is a finalist for the New England Independent Booksellers’ Association Nonfiction Award. See the list of finalists here.