

Children dressed as turtles
Campers performed their new play, “The Hatchlings’ Journey”

Sy and Matt thank the children, parents, and helpers at the Sense of Wonder Camp in Martha’s Vineyard for hosting them — and for their performance as turtles-in-training.

Little boy holding sign welcoming Sy & Fire Chief


Sy spoke about her turtle book to an enthusiastic audience at the Monarch Festival in Bethel, Maine, where she met this young fellow.
His sign says:

Dear Fire Chief,
Thanks for sending your people to Maine!



What the Chicken Knows book cover
Coming this November

Sy’s new book coming in November, What the Chicken Knows, is a Fall Editor’s Pick in Library Journal.

Here are 5 key insights from  Sy’s book: Of Time and Turtles: Mending the World, Shell by Shattered Shell. 

1. Even common animals we might take for granted are astonishing wonders, and worthy of our awe.
2. What looks like a hopeless disaster may instead be turned into a real-life miracle
3. Anyone can make a difference that can last for generations, and heroes come in all different forms.
4. Time, too, has many different guises.
5. Taking a hand at mending our broken world is the best way to restore our own souls.